Industries and Norrisette Fraz Ireland Neonshe sexwithmadonna Norrisette and Rosé Gold Norrisette and Rosé Gold
FLUFF #3 was a full success! Congratulations to my FLUFF partner in crime Norrisette who curated the event. I feel so honoured that we have set up this night together to both give a platform for our electronic music and to provide a stage for other queer electronic music producers. Fuel Café Bar become a home for FLUFF and Lee Parry has been providing great sound support for all our events so far. I feel so grateful that so many people have turned up to every FLUFF so far and I cannot believe the talent that has graced our stage. Yesterday we had three first time gigs by incredibly talented acts: Fraz Ireland and their experimental sound art set with lots of surprising samples and tons of humour, Neonshe’s invigorating j pop, and sexwithmadonna’s atmospheric, wild and erotic performance. And then of course there was Nortisette’s joyful set with special guest Rosé Gold. I will organise FLUFF #4 so watch this space…